What is a Multivitamin? Uses, Benefits & Considerations
What is a Multivitamin? Uses, Benefits & Considerations

May 3rd 2021

Multis are one of the most popular types of dietary supplements. A 2020 consumer survey on supplements showed 98% of supplement users have taken vitamins & minerals in the past year! It’s easy to see the appeal—just take your daily tablet and boom, you’ve covered key areas of nutritional health, no matter how well-balanced (or unbalanced) your diet was that day.

Multivitamins are easy to find, but that can create a problem. Walk into any store that sells multivitamins, and you will quickly become overwhelmed by your selection of options. Not only are there many different brands of multivitamins to consider, but you will also have different formulations within some brands. So, which one is right for you? In this essential guide we’ll be breaking down multivitamins—what they are, how they benefit the body, and how choosing the right one can be so worth it.

What are multivitamins?

A multivitamin is a blend of essential micronutrients that is typically delivered in pill form. Also called “multis” or “vitamins,” multivitamins are dietary supplements formulated to support overall wellness and fulfill nutrient needs. The idea of supplementing health by taking vitamins has only been around for about 100 years, when scientists first started to identify individual micronutrients and connect them to deficiencies in the body.

Today, many Americans take a multivitamin as part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. People appreciate having a reliable and simple way to get regular nutritional support. Just one or more tablets a day can help provide some of the most essential vitamins and minerals for life. It’s often considered a “nutritional insurance policy” for covering gaps left by a less-than-optimal diet.

What do multivitamins contain?

Multis are blends of science-backed recommended micronutrients, typically including multiple vitamins like A, C, E, and the B’s, and multiple minerals, such as Selenium, Zinc, and Magnesium. Like the name implies, micronutrients are needed only in small amounts, and they can be packed into one or more convenient daily tablets. Some multis are customized for a specific benefit, such as for boosting energy or supporting pregnancy. Some multivitamins also include botanicals, like New Chapter’s line of multivitamins made with organic vegetables and herbs.