What is Fish Oil? (Why Should You Be Taking It?)
What is Fish Oil? (Why Should You Be Taking It?)

Jul 15th 2021

Fish oil has come a long way since getting a big spoonful of cod liver oil. These days there are a ton of supplement options on the market. Many of them may seem quite similar. You also may wonder, “What is fish oil good for exactly?” To help you navigate these busy waters, we’ve put together a guide to the good stuff about fish oil. Let’s dive in to why you’d take it, how it’s made, what to look for, and lots more!

The Role of Healthy Fats in our Body

Fat is one of 3 macronutrients needed in the human diet. (The other two are protein and carbohydrates.) Our bodies use fat for fuel and energy storage. Fat is also part of our cell membrane structure. Of course, some types of fat are better than others.

Types of Fats

  • Unsaturated fats. These “good” fats have been linked to lower risk of certain diseases. They’re found in foods such as salmon, olive oil, nuts, and seeds. These include polyunsaturated fatty acids like Omega-3s and Omega-6s.
  • Saturated fats. Saturated fat is in foods like butter, palm oil, lard, shortening, margarine, sausages, hot dogs, regular ground beef, and deep-fried items. USDA MyPlate guidelines recommend limiting saturated fat in your diet. Look for unsaturated replacements!
  • Trans fats. It’s recommended to avoid this type of fat. According to the School of Public Health at Harvard, trans fats are linked to increased disease risk. Trans fats are found in partially hydrogenated oils.

3 Types of Fats